Or how to Dominate your Domain
1. Stop seeking pleasure, seek purpose!
2. Think and act with intention!
3. Stop guessing outcomes. Create them!
4. Build for unexpectancies! Or be caught your pants down.
5. Stop stalling. Do it now!
6. Spread understanding and provide sources, not just information!
7. Stop being anywhere else but here and now!
8. Stop losing control!
9. Stop acting out! True reactions & emotions work better!
10. Grow the depth of your understanding.
11. Stop polluting Infosphereâ„¢ by spreading lies, half-truths or guesses as facts! Unless that is your intention.
12. Be earnest in your quest knowledge and understanding!
13. Be better at making sense! It's attractive and contagious.
14. Realize, that you are always outgunned in narration warfare.
15. Use only tactics for asymmetric warfare in your battles to expose trutht!
16. Recognize strange attractors and repeating happenstances in spotting your teammates!
17. Stop playing by the rules, they never have. Play with rules!
18. Stop playing to win! Obliterate the game!
19. This is not a zero-sum game. Stop reacting like it was!
20. Embrace anonymity! This is a struggle for survival and freedom, not for personal fame.
21. Force logarithmic growth opportunities! For friends and foes.
22. Quit being a victim You are not!